IWWF Ranking List and Record Tournament Details

Tournament Name:1er. Nacional de Esquí 2022
Location:Bocalaguna, Jalisco
Dates Requested:Start date: 2022-03-26 - End Date: 2022-03-26
Sanction Level:R
Contact Name:Álvaro Lamadrid
contact email:alvarolamadrid1@gmail.com
contact phone:+52 (33) 3570 6718
web site:www.bocalaguna.com/

Events Held:



Chief JudgeCarlos Lamadrid
HomologatorJosé Antonio Pérez Priego
Chief ScorerOmar Torres
Chief DriverGustavo Flores
Appointed JudgeAlvaro Lamadrid
Appointed JudgeAlejandro Lamadrid
Appointed JudgeJorge Font
Appointed JudgeJaime Palomino
Appointed JudgeSergio Font
Appointed DriverAlvaro Lamadrid

Tournament Details

Format Description:
1 round

Entry Fee: MXN $2000 y MXN $3000
Entry Type: Open-Unlimited
Entry deadline: 11/Marzo/2022
Selection Criteria:

Practice available: Yes
Practice dates: 25/Marzo/2022
Boat Mfg(s): Ski Nautique 200
Speed Control System(s): Zero Off

Name of Invited confederation level Judge(Pan Am/EA/AAO): Sergio Font

Organizer Comments or Additional Information: