IWSF Elite Tournament Details

Location:Lake Narracan
Dates Requested:Start date: 2017-03-03 - End Date: 2017-03-05
Contact Name:Fran Hynes
contact email:waterskivic@bigpond.com
contact phone:0429 055233
web site:www.moombamasters.com.au

Events Held:

EventTotal Cash Prize1st Prize 2nd Prize3rd Prize4th Prize5th Prize 6th Prize7th Prize 8th Prize
Men Slalom9950 AUD3400230016001000700500300150
Women Slalom7010 AUS245016201190770560420
Men Tricks
Women Tricks
Men Jump
Women Jump

Tournament Details

Format Description:
Each competitor will ski 2 rounds with a seeding 1st round and a reverse seeded FINAL

Entry Fee: 300/270 M/W
Entry Type: Invitation
Entry deadline: December 2016
Selection Criteria:
The IWWF World Ranking List will determine the invited skiers in the Slalom Championship The IWWF World Ranking List will determine the invited skiers for the Overall Championship

Practice available: Yes
Practice dates: March 1-2
Boat Mfg(s): Nautique
Speed Control System(s): Zero-Off

Invited out of confederation judge: TBD

Organizer Comments or Additional Information:

THE OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP - In the event the TOP 8 Men and TOP 6 Women will compete in two round of each event with the best score of either round being used to calculate the overall winner. The prize payout for overall will be the same as for slalom