IWSF Elite Tournament Details

Tournament Name:BOTASKI PRO AM
Dates Requested:Start date: 2018-06-29 - End Date: 2018-07-01
Contact Name:Rricardo botas
contact email:ricardo@botaski.com
contact phone:610348209
web site:www.botaski.com

Events Held:

EventTotal Cash Prize1st Prize 2nd Prize3rd Prize4th Prize5th Prize 6th Prize7th Prize 8th Prize
Men Slalom120004000270021001100800600400300
Women Slalom
Men Tricks
Women Tricks
Men Jump
Women Jump

Tournament Details

Format Description:
Two RC qualyifing rounds + head to head final First Qualifying Round: Based on the IWWF Ranking List October 2017. Best goes last. Second Qualifying Round: Reverse order from first round result. Head To Head Final Men Top 8: Based on single best result from the 2 rounds. In case of a tie for last spot, book up score will count. If tie persists there will be a run off to enter the final. Placement: Tie for the first place to be broken by a run off. Ties for all other places to be broken by back up scores and if perfect ties persist then no run offs and placemente and cash will equally shared.

Entry Fee: 250
Entry Type: Invitation
Entry deadline: june 11,2018
Selection Criteria:
Top 30 men skiers in the current 2017 October IWWF Ranking List will have prioritized until April 1st. After that entries will open to anyone with minimum criteria for participation of a current personal best of 3.00 @ 10,75m.

Practice available: Yes
Practice dates:
Boat Mfg(s): ski nautique
Speed Control System(s): zero off

Invited out of confederation judge: rebecca lathrop

Organizer Comments or Additional Information: