WATER SKI WORLD CUP - DUBNA - July 29/30, 2006

Hotel and Travel information athletes

Select your name:


Passport Country and Number
example: USA P123456789 - use country code

Arrival in Moscow:
Day: Time: : Note: 24 hour time - 2:00 PM = 14:00
Airline Flight number
Airport: Domodedovo Sheremetyevo

Departure from Moscow: Monday Day:
Time: : Note: 24 hour time - 2:00 PM = 14:00
Airline Flight number
Airport: Domodedovo Sheremetyevo

Check if you are not flying back on Monday
If you are not leaving on Monday transport will be organized on Monday morning to your hotel in Moscow.


Accommodation will be in double rooms.
Check if you are sharing a room with another invited skier
I would like to share my room with
I need additional accommodation in Dubna for person(s).

Number of additional single rooms needed
Number of additional double rooms needed
Price for single room including breakfast: USD 70.00
Price for double room including breakfast: USD 100.00