IWSF World Cup Intent to Enter Form

Notice: Please indicate your intention to enter. This form is not binding, but it is intended to give us a preliminary view of who is entering and how the tournament has to be formatted.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The official entry form which will be sent out later will have a deadline of 45 days before the tournament.
This form must be submitted by May 1, 2004
We will be using this information in the visa request process.
Select your name:
If your name is not on the list please email me by clicking here

Check off the World Cup Tournaments you intend to enter

I intend to enter the World Cup Tournament in Dubna/Russia July 24-25
Slalom Tricks Jump

I intend to enter the World Cup Tournament in Thorpe/GBR September 3-4
Slalom Jump

I intend to enter the World Cup Tournament in Changshu/China October 2-3
Slalom Tricks Jump

I intend to enter the World Cup Tournament in Doha/Qatar November 19-21
Slalom Tricks Jump

Enter your email address:

The Intent to Enter process has been completed. Thank you for your support. You can see who submitted an Intent to Enter on the following link:

Registered Intent Forms